Ann Smyth

Name: Ann Smyth (She/Her/Hers)

Title: Human Design & Gene Keys Life Coach

Company: Ann Smyth Coaching

Bio: Like so many others, my career journey started in the corporate world. I did what was expected of me and always had great feedback. But something was missing. I craved a life of freedom, new experiences and deeper connections. Something had to change and I knew only I could make that happen. Promotions, pay raises and counting down to days off were no longer enough. I needed complete control of my life and how I chose to spend it.

So I left a very safe, secure job to create a life I truly loved and gave me real satisfaction. I traveled the world, got curious about myself, discovered my Human Design and everything fell into place. After I decided to relocate from Dublin, Ireland to Valencia Spain I knew it was time to create the work environment I would thrive in, so I started my own business. I now help amazing people develop the confidence and connection they crave with their deep inner knowing that there is always a better way to do life personally and professionally. My goal is help people fall back in love with their lives again, leading life authentically and intuitively. Whether they want to be better leaders for the teams, create a more inclusive and intuitive culture of decision making within their organization, be better parents, partners, siblings, colleagues or friends this coaching will help people achieve that.  Using trauma-informed brain and nervous system retraining this coaching style will help you connect with your innate wholeness using your unique Human Design and Gene Keys so you can thrive by design in all areas of your life. With my coaching style you can expect the perfect combination of strategy and spirituality, cheerleader and confidente.


Social handle(s): @annsmythcoaching


Language(s): English