Rukiyah Polk

Name: Rukiyah Polk (She/Her)

Title: Financial Educator and Advocate

Company: Rukiyah Polk Coaching

Bio: As a home-educator and mom of six, my personal experiences with money have shaped my approach to financial education. My paternal grandfather was a multi-millionaire and my maternal grandfather was a micro-business owner, and our conversations around money as I grew up were invaluable in shaping my mindset.

However, I also faced significant economic difficulties, including living in poverty and experiencing homelessness. These challenges helped me to understand the importance of financial literacy and the impact it can have on one's life.

Through my work, I am dedicated to helping individuals and families navigate their financial challenges and achieve financial stability. I believe that financial education is a key factor in creating a better future for ourselves and our communities.

As an educator and mother, I strive to teach my children and others about the importance of financial literacy and how it can positively impact their lives. I hope to inspire and empower individuals to take control of their finances and work towards their goals, regardless of their background or circumstances.


Social handle(s): Instagram


Language(s): American English