Erika Dox-Martinez

Name: Erika Dox-Martinez (she/her/ella)

Title: Financial Wellness Coach, Speaker and Educator

Company: Bli$$ful Vida LLC

Bio: Hola! I'm Erika, a recently certified Trauma of Money professional, on a passionate mission to empower ambitious, heart-centered Latinas and individuals from underserved communities. My journey is about more than financial literacy; it's about healing our relationship with money, breaking free from financial trauma, and paving the way towards a life of abundance and financial bliss, without stress or judgment.

With over 20 years of experience in financial services, my own profound journey of personal and financial transformation has ignited a deep calling within me. I've learned that the path to financial peace of mind is not just about managing dollars and cents but healing our emotional and psychological relationship with money. This realization propelled me to become certified as a Trauma of Money professional in 2024, allowing me to deepen my expertise and enhance the support I offer others desiring to live their best and Bli$$ful Vida!.

At Bli$$ful Vida, we blend financial expertise with mindful practices and trauma-informed approaches, guiding others on a transformative journey to not only achieve but redefine financial freedom. Our unique approach is designed to nurture overall abundance, helping you to rewrite your financial story and achieve your version of financial bliss.

Join me, and let's embark on this journey of healing, empowerment, and financial liberation, transforming our challenges into stepping stones for a life filled with abundance and bliss.


Social handle(s): Instagram LinkedIn


Language(s): English